This is our last Christmas in California. Yes, we are heading out to Texas. My kids and their families are there. They have settled down quite nicely now and there is no sign that they will be moving anytime soon, I hope. After the first of the year we will be putting out house on the market, we both are retiring and hopefully by Spring we will be on our way to the next chapter of our life. Yikes! Kinda scary.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
I posted these on Facebook and Instagram already so if you follow me there, you have seen these pictures already. This is what the outside of the house looks like this year.

Sunday, November 26, 2017
Black Friday sales...
Anyone go out shopping?? 
I did, appliance shopping that is. 1st stop... Best Buy...
Can you believe they only had 1 person working in appliances on Black Friday.... waited about 20 minuets and I was outa there.
Next stop Lowe’s...
Same price..
Our appliances are 14 years old.. so with new cabinets comes new appliances.. black stainless steel... I like it will make the house look better when we list it in the Spring.
Bought 2.. microwave and dishwasher. We brought the micro home and the dishwasher won’t get here for 2 weeks.. that’s ok. Ours still works so we’re good. The fridge we are not taking with us when we move so I’m not replacing it... I will give it away when it’s time. The stove... it is hidden behind the island, really can’t see it. It’s a 2 part, counter top and then insert for cabinet... just the bottom is close to $1, I’m thinking it can stay white. We’ll see how much it looks outa place when it’s all said and done. That’s a lot of money for just a stove.
Hand stitching...
Put these up yesterday. Over the last couple, maybe 3 years I have taken on a hand stitch project when I’m watching tv. These were the last 2 and this year I haven’t picked one out yet. Maybe that Route 66 one?? Not sure.

Now that it gets dark like at 4:30-5:00, I have to do something. When Mark isn’t home I go in the other room and sew, but when he’s here, I stay out in front room and keep him company.
Man I hate this day light savings time. I loose like 3-4 hours of daylight that I could be outside working.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
My sister in law was given this quilt by her cousin when she went back to Connecticut. It was quilted by my husbands Uncle John. 

Boy, oh boy.. I do not know the history of this or dates. I have asked for that info and haven’t heard back yet. Not sure if this was his first quilt or last. We have star, 1/2 of basket of flowers, haha. It’s just crazy. Look at all the zig zag stitching.
And the binding. It feels like he took a tent apart and cut strips and sewed them on. Then we have the back.... looks almost like a sheet.
As soon as I get the info on the quilt, I am going to make a label so everyone in the future will know the information. I have about 3 others made by my husbands grandma and great grandma and I’m going to make labels for all of them all so I can document them for my kids and their kids.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
This is a kit that I bought at Red Door Designs at their last sale. 

Once I layed it out and looked at it. I decided to double it so it can be used on someone’s bed. Went into the stash and 12 more assortments of fabrics and started cutting.
Ended up with this as the middle.
It’s approx 82x92 being just the middle. I had exactly the right amount of fabric from the kit to make all the inside sashing.
I got real lucky and found some more online and ordered 1 more yard so I can frame it all in. It’s from a couple years ago, so I got real lucky and didn’t have to search real hard. I want it to fit a queen size bed but I don’t want it to be GINORMOUS. So I will take it upstairs and throw it on the bed and see where we go and how big to lake the borders. My first thought was to add just a couple inches of the corner stone fabric to frame it and the another color for border. My husband didn’t like that idea and he had me search for sashing fabric. I’ll see which way I like best and go from there once it’s all layed out.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
I have never been this early on working on Christmas presents.
Here is one in black and white... I know they don’t read my little ol’ blog, so I’m safe. But just in case, I changed it in black and white so the colors wouldn’t give it away. I even created a cute little label last night.
The other one... I can’t show at all. It would give it away all together.
So I have 2 presents done. Yahoo!
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Finish it up Friday...
But posting on Saturday.. bought this last year at this time at the Houston Quilt Show. With my bad wrists I couldn’t do any cutting, but now.... my right hand is good to go. Just about. I encourage anyone that has doubts about getting it done, to get it done. I had no problems what so ever and it’s like day and night. I’m just fighting now to get me left one done. Anyways... back to quilting. I machine appliquéd these guys together.
Aren’t they just the cutest...

Aren’t they just the cutest...
I have itty bitty black buttons that I’m going to sew on for the eyes after quilting.

It’s a Amy Bradley Designs. Called Happy Halloween. Measured out to be approx 57x67. Can’t wait to give it to my son and his family for Halloween next year.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
And a bench...
All the farm tables now a days have benches to go with. So..... I put my order in yesterday and wa-la!
Matches perfectly. When Mark did the makeover for the table top...he also made it a foot bigger all around. So the bench will fit 3 people very comfortably.
Now... onto the next project!
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Table makeover...
When we moved into our house 14 yrs ago, I bought a little dinette set at Walmart for $49. About 6 yrs ago, I painted the top piece dark brown just to give the room a little color. I knew it needed to be re painted but wasn’t looking forward to it.

I am over the moon happy with my little makeover and it looks wonderful in the kitchen.
Here’s the paint. I think I used 2 of each.
I forgot to take a before picture in the house before we started, so here it is in the garage.
Ever since we painted the cabinets, this little table has looked out of place with the oak color. Talked Mark into helping me and went to Lowe’s.
Bought some plain lumber, a variety of sizes and started making a farmhouse table.
Here is our $80 makeover.
It was around $50, then I opted to try this FABULOUS primer spray paint and some more FABULOUS white spray paint. I have never used such neat paint.
Here is a chair before..
And then after..
I am over the moon happy with my little makeover and it looks wonderful in the kitchen.
Here’s the paint. I think I used 2 of each.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
The introduction to the next Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt is available on her blog. The colors are quite yummy too if you follow her suggestions. 
Coral, teal, creams, Browns... hmmm this could be quite pretty!
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