Finished a couple quilts this week...
This was Head over Heels. Instead of trying to be all organized I just decided to chain stitch EVERYTHING and sort it after. Worked perfect! Finished in a day.
Then the Quilt Show quilt a long, with Ricky Tim’s... is an Edyta Sitar quilt..we are on month 11 and they gave directions on putting it together so I don’t know what month 12 has in store. I couldn’t take a picture because of the rain and wet grass but this is what it looks like off the website.
Mine looks just the same. I machine appliquéd the designs on. Looks fabulous. So that’s 2 more quilts added to the long arm pile.

Timeless Traditions had a giveaway on her blog and I won this. She described the quilt and said the first person to email her would be the winner. I am almost positive it’s the quilt pattern. No way would someone give away such a gorgeous quilt. A girl can wish though. I better get my red fabric out!
Then, Joanna from Fig Tree Quilts posted a picture of a darling pumpkin sitting on top of her quilts... I loved it so much, I made my own. My new friend here in Texas has a cricuit and I asked her if she could make the decals. (Actually her husband made them)Whoala!! I love it! Plastic pumpkin came from Joann’s. 70% off.
Tomorrow am I am off to Houston Quilt Festival. I’ll be back Sat afternoon. I’m super excited.