Finished another... Head Over Heels by Thimbleblossom. 79x84 roughly. AND, with scalloped borders! I used the ruler from Quilt in a Day and it was pretty simple. In the book, they list a lot of measurements to make it simple, and of course mine wasn’t listed so I had to do math.

This was taken in the evening and looks black instead of blue.

This kinda shows the color better. It’s beautiful. I am kinda disappointed with the fabric with flowers on it. I used it on the back also and is soooo thin. I bought it online so I didn’t get to touch it before I bought it. It’s not like Moda to produce such see through fabric. I paid a lot, fabric store prices and it’s almost sheer.
Ok... elf on the shelf update..
Here’s Kelly...

And here’s MaryAnn and Brenda...
They both ended up in roof at front of the schools! The kids are loving it... the hunt is on as soon as they get to school. Such fun!