The last time my daughter-in -law was here, she discovered these little crackers from a friend.
Since she lives in Texas, she asked us to run to Costco to get some because that's where her friend got them. Costco didn't have them and the manager said no one near us had any either. So good ol' Mark... not wanting to disappoint... got on the internet and found the cookies for her.

I looked at the invoice and it was just shy of $40 for 2! HOLY CRAP!
They came in the mail, box was cover with like foreign languages. Philapeno, Japanese.. who knows...
The quantity... 2 packages, with 5 in each. Phew! Works out to about $3.00 a box.
Opened one, ate it, 2, the same, and so on. These are HIGHLY addictive. If you ever see them in Costco, grab them...
I'm gonna look for a little Philapeno market.. if that's what there called.. I could be wrong... but I bet they will have them.