It’s been a little crazy here in our house last couple months.
I’ve switched gears for a couple months and am tackling charity quilts. I’m in a sewing bee thru the guild and Sandy and I have been quite busy. There is like 10 of us and 3 are pure crazy busy, not sure what the others are doing
We (Sandy & I), besides sewing our brains out we gather and deliver. There are 6-7 constant places we visit and within last 2 months we have delivered 5 lap quilts or Woodland Spring Nursing Home and 7 walker caddies, 4 youth quilts to Family Abuse Center, 4 youth quilts and 10 new stuffed animals to Firehouse #1, 3 baby quilts, 17 receiving blankets, 15 burp cloth sets to Care Net, 6 LARGE quilts to Compassion Ministries, and a delivery to CareNet again of like 17 ziplock bags goodie bags filled with baby wipes and ointment and other baby clothes items.
Then our guild put on a challenge to see what and who would come up with an idea to help CPS. Child Protective Services. Welllll... Sandy and I again... are knocking it of the park. We are making small zippered bags, about 6x10, on the embroidery machine. Perfect for personal items when the kids get pulled from their house. I went to my dentist to see if he would donate toothpaste, toothbrush and floss. Ya! For the win. That worked out sooo well, we hit a couple other dentists in the tea and they all said YES! We now have made the 200th bag and still have a month to finish. We are pretty much done as I have house projects to tackle now. There is no way we can make enough bags to fill donations we received so we’ll hand them all the extras when we turn them in I’ll show you pictures later on those bags.
Mark’s sister is coming middle of May to visit, so that got Mark in gear to tackle the bathroom. Ooouuiiiii. It’s a good thing tho, but a lot of work.
Demo day..

Whirlpool Jacuzzi is out and Sold.

One vanity is out getting a new look, today we put it back and take the other out. 3 Mirrors are down and sold also. That wallpaper ... eek!

Cabinet is gone. Listing sinks and vanity today, picking out counter tops and picking up partial order at Home Depot also.
Then I’m quilting for customers... quilting for myself...

This is mine...just a LITTLE huge! 94x108
making rice bags/other items for a little vendor show coming up
Sooo. That’s just a snippet of what I’ve been up to!