They are ridiculously expensive. Why? I do not know.
I saw on Instagram, these ladies making their own. So... when we were doing yard work and these branches started staring at me, I said why not?\
I ordered my branches online, but after they got here I discovered Walmart had some and even Joann’s. Those 2 places were cheaper than what I paid online. I ordered short and long ones. Don’t waste your money on long ones, you just cut them down anyways.
Set the sticks in pots with leftover concrete and then I drilled holes in branches, set the branches and made my design as I went a long and fluffed. Don’t forget to fluff. I did set them with a hot glue gun when I was happy.
I took some indoor pictures and outdoor. Right now I have one in and one out, but I believe they are both gonna live indoors.
We had olive trees in the back yard on Roberta Place. That was the last house I owned in CA. I don't know for sure, but I remember being told that in order to keep them from "fruiting" they had to be neutered. I guess that had been done before we bought the place because they never had olives. Big SPIDERS though!! You won't have to worry about either with artificial olive trees though!! They look really nice!
We had a real olive tree at our old house. I've not seen the fake ones but will be on the lookout for them.
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