It’s not the best of the best, but my UFO is done. It’s already to be quilted. That won’t happen for a while, it has to wait it’s turn in line. Family just left yesterday, more coming in tomorrow night. They are here till the 6th of March and then the house goes on the market. EEK! Not sure how much of a mess I can make when the realtor wants to show the house. Maybe when things settle down I can sneak in there and do some.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Monday, February 19, 2018
Family visits...
We had Marks nephew and his family come to visit. They traveled all the way from Connecticut. This was there 1st time to California and I think they had a great time with us. 

We had beautiful weather. They traveled to Calico ghost town, Joshua Tree, Julian.. just to name a few places. They love the outdoors so we showed them Santa Rosa Plateau.
It was just a gorgeous few days and they had a blast with us. We even got to visit family that they never met. You made Aunt Margie’s day!
Jordan, Jen, Ella... come visit us in Texas and we’ll show you another state you have never seen before. Have fun at Disneyland and the all the beach sites this week. Hope you don’t freeze!
Friday, February 16, 2018
Feathered star....
Did a sample block for a feathered star quilt I’m gonna be doing.

Here is the name of the pattern...
Here is what it’s gonna look like...

Here is the practice block I did...
It KICKED MY BUTT! I know how to do paper piecing. I’ve done a at least 4 quilts that way. I have no idea why this was so difficult. Took me almost 4 hours to do this one block! I believe this finishes at 12”. Not sure of what colors I’m going to do this quilt up as, I will have to see what I have the most of in my stash.
I have a friend who lives out of state, her and I are going to do this together. Maybe a block every 2-3 weeks or so. I sure hope they get easier as I go.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
While packing, I came across a hand project that I started many, many years ago. Perfect timing.. I was looking for a hand project to do at night.

Thinking back... this was my FIRST hand stitch project to my knowledge. I only know that because the first block I found, needs to be redone. I took it to the “wool shop” in Temecula where I bought it and showed her and I remember asking her... what in the heck did I do wrong”? I believe her name was Rose... that shop has been closed about 3 years now.
There are a couple that could use a re-do, but I don’t have any more of the sticky stuff to print on.
It’s really neat stuff. You just put it in copier and it print the pattern on it. No more tracing. Then, when done, washes off with HOT water. I don’t want to buy a new package just for 1 square.
Here’s the square I’m working on now.
Here’s the ones I finished..
Don’t look too close, the ones that need to be re-done are on top and up close.
2 more to do..
And then there is one on ironing board ready to be pressed. Accomplished to finish a UFO that I didn’t know I had. That is the only one. I have MANY kits to do, but they don’t count as a UFO because I haven’t even started them yet.
I have a new project to do after this, “Vintage Tin”, I just need to order some antique muslin. Maybe I need to make a trip to Primitive Gatherings. darn!
I am also looking for yo-yo’s. I am planning on doing a quilt called “yoyoville” and it calls for a lot of yo-yo’s. Like 100’s! I have made some, but don’t want to make that many.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Lost one...
I found this in my pictures and realized I never posted it.

It is hanging on the railing upsatiars, just pulled it from the dryer and still a little damp. It was a popular pattern a year ago, couldn’t tell you the name off the top of my head. Packed all my patterns away already. Pattern came from a book I do know that.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Here is the 2nd one all quilted up.
This one has a different pantograph quilted on it.
This one has a different pantograph quilted on it.
Still has the same fabrics. My Dad, father in law, goodwill, and my stash. Then the back....

You can really see the pattern. Now off to binding.
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