Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Country loft in La Mesa...

Sad, sad news... One of my favorite stores is closing its doors...

Even though it was over an hour drive to get there... It is on the top of my list for favorites. 
I have taken many of classes, a lot of BOM's, went to many open houses, and shopped (spent) way more than I should have. But I am glad I did! I am just saddened to know they are closing. You can read more about it on their blog.


Tanya Quilts in CO said...

I know--terrible! I was surprised no one stepped up to buy it.

paulette said...

I too was saddened by THE NEWS!! I LOVE The Loft! It is on my top three all time EVER shops...and I have been to a lot of shops! The BEST! I feel your pain!