The front looks great so far... I took it off so I could do the edges....
It's ALL screwed up on back! I even clamped the sides so I don't know how the heck it got all clumped up and wonky. I took it out to the trash, brought if back in 1/2 hour later and threw it in the garage. This is the one that my machine got all messed up on also. So.... Between messing with the machine for days...working with the wool, sewing, quilting and un quilting 2 full rows TWICE...I have spent at least, easily almost 60 hrs on this damn thing.
Not sure what to do now.... The top is fully quilted except for sides. It just may go back out to the trash.
I tried the 'free fall' quilting as many people call it....

It's not for me, that's for sure. I'm going back to rolling the top AND the backing. Lots of people love it and say that's the only way they quilt...I have better luck the other way.