Started off playing in the sewing room.. Put 2 labels on quilts... I'll have to show you the quilts later, I need Mark to hold them up, but he's busy and it will be dark before he's done.
Then I sewed the binding down on the little birthday mat, then came the kitchen towel..

I put little "peeps" on it for Easter. Still have to clean them up.. I see loose black threads on their eyeballs.
Then I moved outside.

Did some weeding, played with the new vegetables and herbs, and just cleaned up a bit..
Then... I had a project... We have someone who has been helping out at work while the secretary has been out on leave. Her last day is Monday, soo..
I made a little something for her (well Mark really did the hard part)

And after...

I thought about flowers, but they will just die off... So, since it's Spring, I thought little plants would be nice. She will have tomatoes, basil, bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes to take home and plant in her own garden. Then she will have a super cute little box to use any way she wants to.
Hope she likes it.
And before I knew it, it's 6:30, tired, hungry and the dodgers are on tv and I don't feel like cooking or going out.. Not sure what I'll do, I do know the spa is calling my name though..mmmmm... It's gonna be a good night!