Ontario convention center had a HUGE quilt show going on...which many of you had heard of.
I took a class, which I have never done before... From the famous Edyta Sytar..
Oh man!!!! Was she ever wonderful!!! I would suggest that everyone take a class from her if they have an opportunity. She is just an amazing person!
Left class with a finished project. A table runner

The way she does her paper foundation is amazing and addictive... I'm gonna make one of her quilts now. Just wait!!! It's gonna be so cool!
We had a 2 hr lunch... Did a little shopping. We inhaled a sandwich and then did some more shopping.
After class was over, we went back to shopping. Only had like 2 hrs left. We went so fast... I feel like I really didn't get to see everything. There were 2 buildings packed with vendors and quilts mixed in.. Then an additional tent of vendors on top of that.
I had a list of things to get... I only crossed 1 thing off but came home with a bag full of stuff I just couldn't live without.
I need to go back today to get the stuff on my list. :)