Thursday, July 19, 2012

Vitaltiy Wins!!

OK Julie.. because you are into the more healthier you and we both are so close to the big 50, (which by the way, makes total sense ) I am doing this...

Have you heard of Vitality Wins!? It is a Total Health Game, including all the best strategies for losing weight and improving health. It is a game that you play by yourself or with your friends.

The games run for 8 weeks. There are weekly awards as well as game winners. However, everyone earns achievement badges and tokens. Tokens are used to play other games on the website.

Vitality started as a pen and paper game 10 years ago and was freely passed between friends via email. Vitality is now available online; it is fast & easy to play! You just click on the game boxes and enter what you did today. You get points for the good & healthy things you do each day. That's it!

I heard that you wake up at about week 4 and realize you feel so much better! You have lost weight, but it doesn’t feel like a diet because you are just having fun competing with your friends!
A big thanks to Maria & Royce Richards who are the founders of Vitality Wins!. They provided the wonderful room for us during the EVO conference. Thank you so much!

Read their journey on how they started Vitality Wins!, it is very interesting.
So, starting Monday... I'm gonna give it a try.. I created the team name "healthier me" . Well see how long I keep with it.

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