Well.... my little guy is on the fight for his health and I think he conquered it. Hopefully.
Last month he came to visit, we had big plans.... I had scheduled swimming lessons for him, we were moving into the new house, Hawaiian Falls water park, I bought a season pass and so much more.
The night he came to us, he was walking a little funny..we thought it was his shoes his Momma put on him. Things just got worse.
He came with the worse case of Eczema I have ever seen, Momma sent some prescription of potent lotion/med to rub on it. Rash on his body in a different place every day, low grade fever sometimes then peaking so high I had to throw him in tub. I got a list of meds to buy and let me tell you, they weren’t cheap! After talking with Momma every day we decided to send him home.
After not being able to walk, lift his arms she finally took him to Dr’s.
Ended up in hospital and being treated for Kawasaki Disease.

Horrible seeing him like this. After all the treatments of strong steroids, and different things going on, he’s basically allergic to steroids. Poor guy.
Here he is on one of his better days, this lasted maybe 5 mins. Then he was back to growling. Never has he done this before. Those drugs do weird things to little people.
Stayed in hospital for a week. Kawasaki Disease is under control but it screwed up his glucose now and needs insulin shots, though it should pass once all meds get out of his system. Had a minor flare up day before yesterday and think it’s under control. Goes back to Cook’s Children’s Hosp today for a follow up. Pray for good results. This whole thing has taken many twists and turns. I have my theory of what happened and talking with many people my thoughts make sense. I just hope this is all behind him.
He missed his swim lessons and Zoo Camp. Next summer will be a make up for it all.
Sooo... what has your Summer been like so far???? Mine has been Crazy!!!! Dealing with this and moving into a new house, where BOTH air conditioning units go out within 2 weeks. Home warranties are not all that great as people say they are.
(My thoughts.... and it’s pure speculation... he went swimming in a small, small lake that I believe is high in bacteria.. that caused the extreme eczema. He scratched so bad he made an open sore. Dr. Prescribed lotion/meds that had steroids in it to control. With the open sore, steroids entered his system (which he is allergic too) and it went on from there. That’s just my thoughts, but it sounds good to me) But again.... I could totally be wrong.