2nd try...Well... It didn't work..grrr
I'm here... I have been quite busy.. Home and work.. I have been avoiding blog press because it's been such a PIA.. Hoping it will work its problems out on its own. Soo....
3 weeks ago started SBAC testing at work... That is state testing and it lasted 2 weeks.. It's all me for the WHOLE school...then last week, I had hosted the scholastic book fair..
Phew... I am so glad that is over.
So then at home... I started taking the Monday night quilting class again In Fallbrook. So I am enjoying those projects. We are doing a wool project each week and in 6 weeks we will put them together and have a quilt. We also made a couple of other projects. It's a lot of fun and I just love those girls..
Also have been working on a baby quilt for work....Everlasting wreath, I try to make about 5 a week so I won't get burned out. Also, Over the river, and thru the woods hand embroidery.. I'm half way thru the 2nd row. I have also completed the first 4 months of barn BOM.. I'm also doing mystery BOW from Jan Patek, from her blog. I'll take pictures on all those later on.

Don't bother wasting your $$ on these pills. I still wake up every 2 hours on the hour. I can't tell you how much I just LOVE this part of my life. NOT! I would rather give birth 10 more times than deal with this crap!

Mothers Day weekend so far is awesome! Went to a mini quilt show at Rooster Creek in Murrieta and then to lowes and loaded up on dirt and plants.
Then ended the perfect day with dinner and spa!.. Ahhhhh..