The Home of the Brave Quilt Project was started by Don Beld, a Citrus Belt Quilters (CBQ) guild member, in order to honor the fallen heroes in Iraq and Afghanistan by making replicas of a Civil War U.S. Sanitary Commission quilt.
Don was a speaker at our guild this past year and we decided to put together a Fallen Heroes Potholder Quilt.
This is a partial picture of the potholder quilt that our Fallbrook Quilt Guild put together.

Each quilt square was made into a individual finished square resembling a pot holder then they were all whip stitched together for a completed quilt.
Each block has a name on the front along with a summary on the back about each person.

It is just stunning to look at. I didn't get a picture the whole thing, too many people were admiring it.
Very moving to read their stories also. It will be on display at San Diego quilt show I believe, before we send it on.
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