17th Annual Fallbrook Garden Tour. This was my 4th year attending the wonderful gardens...Overall, was not disappointed at all... Every year, homeowners graciously open their yards to share their landscapes with everyone.
We had lush landscapes, succulents...
This house... Early in 2000, Fallbrook had a massive fire that wiped out hundreds of houses, just hundreds... This gentleman, Jim Helms collected all kinds of fire damaged materials and created sculptures like no other! Amazing... over 20 different sculptures were on display showing his artwork that he had created.
There were windmills in 2 yards...water gardens in 3 or 4 yards..
And then you have the gentlemen!! Along with their beautiful yard, they had the garage open so we could take a peak. '56 Cadillac and a '67 El Dorado National Champion.
This was just a small portion of the pictures I took.