They had over 20 different types of poinsettias on display, these 2, I had never seen before. A pink one, spotted one and then 1 that was actually a tree!

Today we took a field trip to Carlsbad to check out the Flower Gardens that everyone talks about this time of year. It really was amazing to see acre after acre covered with flowers. This was the next to the last weekend of this event and you could definitely see that the flowers were struggling. I knew I was gonna be kinda disappointed in the color being the end of the season, but I could totally just imagine the true color when they were in full bloom. The smells were all still there, but again, I would have LOVED to see them at the beginning. The fields are all the same flower, don't remember the kind, it begins with an "R" and I know it's a bulb. It is the yellow in the top picture. There was also a sweet pea maze you could walk through, along with Armstrong nursery there on site. (how convenient for them! ) It was a very fun day. We even stopped at the Safari Park on the way home and spent 3-4 hours there! Whew... I'm bushed!