oh my gosh... I am sooo doing the happy dance right now! Our computer had been acting up, so Mark took it to the $99 guy down the street, which a week ago I would not recommend to anyone. After the last 2 nights Mark spending 7 hours online in with them, I would so take that comment back. It's back and working and takes me 5 minutes to do a post instead of 1 1/2 hours! I love the new computer. Cost more than $99 though, our hard drive had died. I had been complaining for like 3 months something wasn't right. But... it was ALWAYS my fault! Hmmmmm... I DON"T THINK SO!

This embroidery I have been working on for about a 2 months. (My REAL first attempt at it) is called Garden Gate. It actually is a quilt pattern and these pieces go around the edges. So cute. I did one portion and am going to frame it and hang it in my sewing room. Excuse the toes showing in the bottom picture. Oh...check out the floor it's on..

My birthday and Mother's Day had came and went without not so much anything. I got flowers for my birthday but that was nothing, Mark always brings me flowers. So, after me making a snide remark one day.. I think he felt bad. When I went away for the girls weekend, he took everything out of my sewing room, painted the walls, bottom half chocolate brown, top tan, took the carpet out, put down wooden floors, put everything back, in the same spot to be exact and bought me a flat screen t.v. I guess he made up for it, what do ya' think?! Love ya, hun!