#1 party...We had my staff Christmas party here this last Friday night and I am happy to say everyone had an awesome time even though it was raining. We crammed everyone inside and had a great time. Started about 2:30 after school was out and ended after 10:30!!

I totally forgot to take pictures, so here's some from around the house.

My project this week is to somehow label/embroider/stitch everyone's name or initials on the stockings. Hard to remember who's is who's these days.

Santa was a new addition to the family this year. I adopted him from a new store I discovered this past year. TPT... Near South Coast Plaza... OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! I'm in love! A car load full of other things also came home with me.

#2 party... Saturday night...Also forgot to take pictures..had some friends over that we have known for over 29 years. It was a great night for food, friends, drinks and cards. We all bought our 1st house together in the same neighborhood many, many years ago.
4 more days.... I can Do this! Phew!