We have a wonderful lady that works in our district... She just found out she has stage 4 ovarian cancer. Very sad indeed. She was just at our school like 2 weeks ago.
Since I was asked to "fill in" for the social committee person while she is out.. It was up to me to figure out what we should do. ( in yrs passed.. There has never been activity except for normal happenings.. Xmas, end of the year parties, etc) since I have been in this position within the last 4 weeks, there have been 6 happenings! Yes 6!
Here is what we did..

A quilt was made....

This quilt shown above was quilted with apples on it. The backing is a light colored one. So, I had all the teachers sign their name or a little message on the back. I should have taken a close up of it, but we were in a hurry to deliver it yesterday.
It was wonderful..if you can't read the little message at the bottom it says..
"A quilt will warm your body and comfort your soul"
So, Marge Baker, I hope you are enjoying your quilt and keeping you warm through this rough time.