Emily, Kelly's friend came to visit from Arizona. Then the next day, more friends, the Beltramo's. We started out with lunch, then we went swimming and the we all played the tooth pick game in the pool! Awesome fun! Hilarious! As you can see, we are all looking for the stupid toothpick somewhere in the pool!

Then after that, and a yummy BBQ chicken dinner, we all loaded up in the truck and went to the park to play a game of whiffle ball.

Then it was dark so we broke out the glow sticks! Put a glow stick in the ball, each base and one on everyone, It was a hit! More laughs! Parents vs. kids, kids won! Pictures didn't turn out, hmm... wonder why. (Looks like a skyline)

Then we came back and celebrated Brynley's birthday, She turned 6 while she was visiting. So we enjoyed an ice cream cake from Baskin & Robbins. In the picture are brother Bennet, Dad, Brian, and the birthday girl. Then after that... All the kids had a slumber party downstairs. I forgot to take a picture of that. Darn! All had a good time.