As of 1:30 yesterday, Friday, I am officially on vacation for 10 days!! Kelly my daughter is flying in tonight for Thanksgiving. First time in 10 years she says. Doesn't seem that long to me. Tomorrow I have the girls for a week, Steven and Ronna are going to Hawaii. Hmmm. tough decision there...I would have picked Hawaii also!

Marian and I are hosting a tea at her house for our Friendship group next month. I am making these adorable little stockings for everyone. A while ago we started our group. We all submitted "a middle" part of a quilt, every4 weeks we pass the quilt onto the next person and you add something to it. So when we have our tea, we are going to see our quilts for the first time since we made the middle. They will all be gorgeous I'm sure.

This red quilt is this months Friday night quilt at the cottage. The pattern is called "Balsam Fir". It came in a package of 4 patterns and I love them all. "quick as a wink" is the package name.

This brown one is Octobers Friday night that I never posted. It is called "Delectable Cakes" .
I have just finished quilting a quilt last night for a friend, have another loaded and am picking up 3 more at Monday's night class. Busy, busy. Plus Mark will be home the ENTIRE week with us all. Ahhh... I hope I get everyting done! I have 2 house projects I want to do also. Oh boy, maybe I can have Mark do those to keep him busy while I am doing all my stuff! hehehehe