Sunday, April 25, 2021

Saturday happenings...

Woke up at 5:30 to set up for a neighborhood garage sale we were participating in. Did pretty well, what all didn’t sell, we hauled off to the re-store and Goodwill. 
Then Kelly and I started painting the garage door.
I think I got them all in order...

Base coat, 2 times...

First gel stain... highlighting...

Filled in squares

Second gel stain.... blending...

Finished up, ran outa daylight....

Here’s the day view...

I have a few things to touch up on, but overall it’s looks pretty darn good. 
I have to put 2 coats of sealer on today also and take the painters tape off. 
Now I gotta start painting the trim!

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

Wow your garage door looks so good! Great job!